Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week 2 Long Range Plan

According to the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020, one of the key areas is Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support. This area needs to maximize the involvement of the teaching and learning. This area discusses expanding opportunities to students which they would not have otherwise had. Having the students grow with society around them so that they can be productive in the 21st century. This appeared to be a direction East Central High School was headed towards in the past few years.
Upon entering my campus this year I learned about the different schools within the schools. One of the schools was called Digital Campus. This group of selected students was each given an imac notebook, and in all their classes they had access to wireless internet. This also allowed the school to purchase ipods that could be checked out for students who were studying for TAKS tests, where the students could find podcasts created by teachers. This appeared to work for a few years, but after seeing that is was taking a lot of time and energy to maintain, the program has began to come apart and is being phased out. Though there was the full support, the funding and the time necessary to keep teachers educated about new practices has become a problem.
This school allowed certain students to be successful where they would not have been. They were able to apply the skills that came naturally to them and allowed them to feel involved in their own schooling. These students will have a leg up in society because they interacted with technology throughout high school and will easily be able to adapt to the changes that society is continuing to facing the 21st century.

Texas S Ta R Chart

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Week 1 Pre-K Technology Applications TEKS

Pre-Kindergarten is where structured instruction first begins for many people. Though when we think of Pre-Kinder we think of 123, ABC, this is the time where so much learning can occur and where most is remembered. In today’s world, the learner will become citizens of the 21st century. In order to be productive citizens, students must learn the basics and Pre-Kinder is where that all begins.
The Technology Application TEKS for Pre-Kinder introduce students to the 21st century and the world of computers and technology. During this sensitive time when learning is occurring, Technology TEKS show students the basic understanding of how to use technology. Students are taught vocabulary so they will be able to understand the terminology used within the classroom today as well as in the future, and how to correctly apply it. Students are then able to begin to establish a strong base to build a stronger understanding of Technology for the future.
By establishing a strong base, the educational futures begin. Through a spiraling curriculum students are taught many other aspects of technology they will need to become productive citizens of the 21st century. Similar to us as educators, if we are thrown a bunch of what we consider “stuff” all at once, we will “stuff” it to the side. However, if we are given items, in this case pieces of a puzzle piece by piece, we are better able to complete the puzzle and see the whole picture. By spiraling the curriculum throughout the entire education of the learner, the end result is a learner who can understand, apply, and analyze the knowledge gained.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 1 Long-Range Plan for Technology

The purpose of the Long-Range Plan for technology is to produce successful citizens into the world. These citizens will be knowledgeable when it comes to the basic skills we need to have such as problem solving and be able to analyze situations. They will also have the knowledge necessary to survive in the 21st century where the focus remains and will continue to remain on the growing amounts of technological resources we have available to us.
As educators we are responsible for establishing a vision to focus on. When that vision is set in place all stakeholders need to be part of pursing that vision. The full support of Administrators and district and campus leaders is necessary to obtain the goals in the vision. We are also responsible for keeping up with the technology that is being introduced to many of our students outside of the classroom. Recognizing that not all of our students have the same access to technology outside of the classroom, but if we are able to expose them to technology while inside our classroom, then we are exposing them to what they will need for the future. By maintaining a level of knowledge, we are prepared for the classroom. We can not be afraid of the learner, we must embrace what the learner knows and work together as a learning community, where all stakeholders involved are working on the common goal.
The school system itself is responsible for also achieving the success of all the stakeholders. Providing support as well as funding to assist teachers in gaining the knowledge through courses and time to incorporate new knowledge into learning in the classroom.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 1 Technology Assessment

When completing the first assessment from the Texas Education Agency, I realized there was a lot of information that I had never even heard of. Several of the ideas the questions were referring to I did not even understand, and therefore was unaware of how to use the programs it was referring to. When analyzing the results of the first assessment I was able to determine that I had a basic knowledge of technology skills, and was able to fully communicate with others successfully through technology as well as problem solve when encountering issues along the way. The domain that I had the least knowledge about was about the foundations of technology and that is an area that I need to focus building my knowledge.
After completing the SETDA survey for Teachers, I was not able to answer several of the questions fairly. Because I am new to my campus and district, I am unaware of many of the procedures that occur when discussing technology. Our campus is also in a rebuilding stage, and under construction. Literally half of the campus is in portables. The library is almost removed completely on another campus. It is at least a 10 minute walk from my classroom. Because of all of these obstacles, I am not able to gather my students to take them where they have access to computers and other technology resources the library has. Some of the other questions referred to other campuses at my level in my district. My district is a one high school district and so therefore many of the decisions for the district are made within my own campus. The more I become acquainted with the people of the culture of my campus I will also become more knowledgeable about the processes within.